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Quran Daily Ayah Memorization Club

Memorize portions of the Quran easily by joining the Daily Ayah Memorization Club. One Ayah is emailed 5 days a week to all members (along with Previous Ayahs of the same Surah for revision.)

Memorize one Ayah daily while also revising the previous portion of the Surah until you finish the whole Surah. Then move on to another Surah.

Ayah emailed 5 days a week. This gives a two day break weekly. Use weekends to catch up on missed portions and revision. 

Recite the memorized portion in Prayers to help you memorize better and to keep from forgetting. Continue reciting Surahs in Prayer after you finish memorizing to keep from forgetting.

To join, enter your email address below and click subscribe. The next Surah to memorize is Surah Al-Qamar, starting Sunday April. 14, 2013.


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