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Insights into the Quran

The Message of Islam is for All People

Highly Blessed is He Who has sent down the Criterion to His servant so that it may be a warner to all mankind. (Holy Quran, Chapter 25, Al-Furqan, Verse 1). 

In this verse, the Quran has been called “Al-Furqan,” The Criterion, which helps you differentiate between right and wrong.

Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم and the Quran were sent to all mankind in all places and all times, to warn mankind of the evil consequences of their heedlessness and deviation. The message of the Quran and the Prophethood of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم were not meant for any particular country or people but for the whole world.  This has been stated in various places in the Quran as well as in hadith sayings of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم. The Prophet said: “Before me a Prophet was sent only to his own people but I have been sent to all mankind.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim Hadith Books)

Additionally the message of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad are for all times. The Quran is the final revelation of God to mankind and Prophet Muhammad was the final Messenger of God, Allah’s peace and blessings be on him. The Prophet said: “I have been sent to all mankind and I am the Last of the Prophets.” (Reported by Muslim)

Since the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم was the final messenger and there is no Messenger after him to guide the people, how will the Quran serve as a Warner to all mankind? How will all mankind receive the guidance of the Quran? The answer is that the followers of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم , the Muslims, are responsible to deliver the message of Islam to all people in all places.


Dealing with Unbelievers

And dispute not with the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), except in the best way, unless it be with those of them who do wrong, but say, “We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam).” Chapter 29, Al-Ankabut, verse 46.

 This verse provides a guideline to how Muslims should deal with Jews and Christians. Discussions should be done in a wise and respectful manner, not in an offensive way. The verse shows that Muslims should treat unbelievers in a way that will not offend them or make them dislike Islam. Here are a few points to follow:

First of all the Muslims’ own general behavior should be proper Islamic behavior so as not to defame Islam. Secondly, the treatment of unbelievers should be considerate. Offensive or rude behavior should be avoided at all costs. Finally, appropriate occasions for preaching / inviting to the religion of Allah should be sought and preaching should be done wisely.

As for those unbelievers who are unjust toward Muslims, the Muslims should be firm and shouldn’t let them push them around but at the same time the Muslims shouldn’t retaliate or take revenge on their own. They should consider the situation and decide what is the best approach toward these sort of people according to the circumstances: Will being patient and polite make them realize the beauty of Islam? Or should the person be ignored or avoided? Or should they be told sternly that what they are doing is wrong and inappropriate? Or if the matter is serious and potentially dangerous, police should be informed of the situation?

In any case, the Muslim’s best character should always shine through and Muslims should try to make it known how Islam is a beautiful, civilized, and peaceful religion and that terrorism is not a part of Islam.


Proof of Existence of God

Chapter 56 Al-Waqiah: Do you see the sperm drop that you emit? Is it you who create it or are we the Creator? … Do you see the seed that you sow in the ground? Is it you that cause it to grow, or are We the cause? Were it Our Will, We could crumble it to dry power, and you would be left in wonderment... Do you see the water that you drink? Do you bring it down (in rain) from the cloud or do We? Were it Our Will, we could make it salt (and unpalatable); Then why do you not give thanks? Do you see the fire which you kindle? Is it you who grow the tree which feeds the fire, or do We grow it? We have made it a memorial (of Our handiwork), and an article of comfort and convenience for the wayfarers of deserts. Then celebrate with praises the name of your Lord, the Supreme. (verses 58 - 74)

In these verses attention is driven to some very common but extraordinary phenomena: the reproduction process, agriculture, water, and fire. These are such that life without them would be impossible. First God has pointed out the reproduction process which is necessary for the continuity of the population. Mankind is created from the human seed in a very complex and miraculous manner, one that could never have been possible without the doing of a Wise and All-Powerful Creator. God asks: Is it you who create it or are we the Creator?  That’s something worth considering. No one could have placed the reproductive quality into the human seed. Nor could it have come into being by itself? This is something only God is capable of doing and is a proof of the existence of God.

After that, attention is brought to vegetation which is once again necessary for life on earth. Although easy to overlook, the process of agricultural production is not a simple one. No man could have produced plants from seeds or seeds from plants without the help of God. God placed the quality  that enables seeds to sprout and grow into plants and produce food in their leaves through contact with sunlight, known as photosynthesis. Furthermore, seeds form in the fruit of plants to make it possible for the process to continue. Another proof of God’s existence. God says: Is it you that cause it to grow, or are We the cause? 

The third thing outlined is water. The process of condensation - precipitation is made possible by God. Water evaporates and goes into clouds and then rain falls from the clouds in parts of earth that God wills. Had God wanted, this process would not have existed. Water might have left the earth’s atmosphere upon evaporation and been lost forever. But God made the process such that the water remains locked in the atmosphere and falls to the ground as rain, so that the whole process is repeated over and over again.

The fourth thing  that is pointed out here is the fire. Necessary for human civilization for more reasons than one, fire is very important. Think of how backward and restrictive, if not impossible, life would be if there were no fire. We wouldn’t be able to cook food or create heat in winter. We wouldn’t be able to melt metal, etc. Civilization would be impossible without fire. Thus, fire is necessary for human civilization and even for life itself. So could fire have come into being by itself? And could it have gotten the quality of burning by itself?

God both created fire and gave it the quality of burning and gave mankind the ability to use fire. Look at animals: they cannot use fire in any way. But mankind has been able to use fire from earliest times and the uses have become more and more advanced with time.

After all these have been pointed out, God says: Then celebrate with praises the name of your Lord, the Supreme.

When you see how great each of these things is and how necessary it is for life, not only do you realize that God exists but also how Great and Intelligent and Benevolent God is! And God deserves all Praises.




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